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sábado, 30 de enero de 2010

Hishoku no sora ( El cielo escarlata - Sakugan no shana opening)

Then this sky is dyed in red color, until the time come I'll just continue with this one body

The 'people' you meet and 'THINGS' that are lost
Will someday become a disappeared memory
The hot and shaking strength, the empty and wavering weakness
Will eventually share the same end

That kind of normal days melt in red color, the rising sun colored the world in red

Flowing in the wind making a line, that hair-tips that seemingly flowing will pierce the enemy
To stop this thought is an overflowing dream

Now all in the hands are only to end my role

Once again a flame fall and disappeared somewhere out there
It's the days with no change in the reality
But, I truly feel your warmth motion
And that's also the truth

Then the red dust shatter, behind the dusk it begins now

Why in this crying out loud heart I feel confusion and fearless
In quick malice, the wild pain shattered
The burned cloud become dry in the sky, the wish hidden inside is burned
The hesistant eyes flow the tear ,but the strength of tomorrow returned

Everything hold the land that fall down and the one bright sword cut the darkness
The light that is inside the chest everytime burn out
With this one body I shall end my role

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