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jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2009

Blurry eyes (L´arc en ciel / DNA Opening)

Carried on a wind
from far away,
no matter how many times I try to say these words,
they never reach you.
Once again, my eyes stare somewhere
out the window.

This foreboding hasn't changed, I still feel it.
Those days are getting blurry...

Seeing through
blank eyes
like a caged bird,
the light of the afternoon sun is just like
the light that shines on you
from outside.

This foreboding hasn't changed, I still feel it.
Those days are becoming blurry...

I feel the changing season
will see my promise broken.
Even if I reach out with my hands,
my heart will stay distant.

(Why do you stare at the sky with your blurry eyes?)

I feel the changing season
will see my promise broken.
Even if I reach out with my hands,
my heart will stay distant.

In the changing season,
the one precious to me
looked back toward me with those eyes,
sighing softly.

(Your blurry eyes) ...your blurry eyes
(Your blurry eyes) ...My heart
(Your blurry eyes) ...will stay
(Your blurry eyes) ...distant.

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