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lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2009

Man Of La Mancha Best Scene

En esta ocasion les traigo La mejor escena del Hombre de la mancha, si aun no la han visto, este es el momento de rentarla o mejor aún, comprarla

Introduccion: Don Quijote ha recibido la promesa del señor del castillo que al día siguiente por la mañana lo nombrar caballero, por eso, esta noche debe permanecer en vela, asi se encuentra Don Quijote Meditando sobre su futuro, cuando llega Aldonza, quiero decir, Dulcinea....

Now I must consider how sages of the future...
            will describe this historic night.
            Long after the sun had retired to his couch...
            darkening the gates and balconies of La Mancha...
            Don Quixote, with lofty expression and measured tread...
            held vigil in the courtyard of a mighty castle.
            Maker of empty boasts...
            on this of all nights to give way to vanity.
            No. Don Quixote, take a deep breath of life...
            and consider how it should be lived
            Call nothing thine except thy soul.
             Love not what thou are, only what thou may become.
              Do not pursue pleasure...
              or thou mayest have the misfortune to overtake it.
              Look always forward.

              In last year's nests...
              there are no birds this year.
              Be just to all men, courteous to all women
              Live in the vision...
              of the one for whom great deeds are done...


              Get up from there! Get up!
              Why do you call me by that name?
              - Because it is yours

              - My name is Aldonza!
              I know you, milady.
              I think you know me not.
              All my years I have known you, your nobility of spirit...
              long have I seen you in my heart.

              Your heart doesn't know much about women.
              It knows all, milady.
Woman is the soul of man...
              the radiance that lights his way.
              Woman is glory.

              What do you want of me?
              - Nothing. 

              - Liar.
              I deserve the rebuke.
              - I ask of milady...

              - Now we get to it!
That I may be allowed to serve her...
              that I may hold her in my heart...
              that to her I may dedicate each victory...
              and call upon her in defeat.

              And if at last I give my life...
        I give it in the sacred name of

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