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jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2009

Hanabi (Ikimono Gakari/ bleach ending)

Ya se que van bastantes entradas que no escribo nada pero esta canción se merece una excepción, la letra es hermosa, la musica es hermosa, sobre todo presten atención a la armonica, si no le entienden no se preocupen la traducción está abajo

Sin duda una de mis canciones favoritas, me gustan todas las canciones que hablan de encuentros y destinos felices, bueno, 

Esta no es la versión original, pero gracias a los fanáticos del copyright es la única decente que queda, en mi opinión la versión original es mejor.

Sparkling, dancing, releasing a blue dream

The flowers are set alight

Two petals from the fireworks of dreams fall quietly in the sky
Did you, who went away to the other side, see it too? It's the same light

Even if the two are apart, I believe that they'll come together again someday
I'm singing to you, singing of this love that tears my heart apart, can you hear my voice?

It's fireworks, bursting in an instant

Sparkling, dancing, releasing a blue dream
Bloom proudly, way up high
The love that protects us rings out in earnest
At least it will be strong until the end
The flowers are set alight

All kinds of words scattered abot mischievously
And the confusion that rooted me to the spot quietly disappeared, can you see


It's fireworks, bursting in an instant

I grasp the sparkling, dancing flowers of dreams
As they rain down into my hands
Let my love ring out to you like I wish it to
If it's going to be over, at least let it be strong
The flowers are set alight

It's fireworks, bursting in an instant

Sparkle, dance, send up a blue dream
Someday we'll meet
You, me, and the love that joins us
We'll be strong together, forever

Bloom proudly, way up high
Sparkling, dancing, releasing a blue dream
The love that protects us rings out in earnest
At least it will be strong until the end
The flowers are set alight

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