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lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2009

Grow up (hysteric blue/ Ghost stories opening)

Things about you,
 things about me,
 things about someone,
 things unknown
Tell me a story that I don't know, yet
Ever since when, the wish that couldn't be thrown away
Open up the heart to make it come true
Lonely but
How many times couldn't you say "notice me" and bit yourself?
A small lie can be used more effectively...
Who and when did someone decided that my current self is sad?
Life is actually full of seriousness every second
Living seriously, only wall came up
When I notice, I'm in a labyrinth  don't want a life like that!!!
Tell me a melody unknown, yet
Letting go the words that was held
God will smile a little
A mysterious life, the condition of the skin
Is not irritating
But there's probably one thing
And that will probably be found
When that feeling comes!
Giving up doesn't make me feel bad more
If that's the "unknown self"
Then tomorrow should seem a little brighter

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