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sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2009

I really love her.... ( to Sophia Achamoth)

Este es un fragmento del hombre de la mancha adaptado por mi...

I love her, I really love her.
Tear out my fingernails one by one, I love her!
I don't have a very good reason,
Since I've been with her,
Cuckoo-nuts have been in season...
But there's nothing I can do,
Chop me up for onion stew,
Still I'll yell to the sky
Though I can't tell you why,
That I love her!

It doesn't make any sense!

That's because you're not a knight.

All right, I'm not a knight.
Now does a knight knight?

Well, I fight in her name and she takes care of me.
Then she picks me up off the ground, and...

But, what do you get out of it?

What do I get? Oh! Why, already I've gotten...
I've gotten...

You've got nothing! Why do you do it?

I love her, I really love her.
Pluck me naked as a scalded chicken,
I love her!
Don't ask me for why or wherefore,
'Cause I don't have a single good
"Because" or "therefore!"
You can barbecue my nose.
Make a giblet of my toes,
Make me freeze, make me fry.
Make me sigh, make me cry.
Still I'll yell to the sky,
Though I can't tell you why.
That I love her!

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